Wednesday, 27 April 2016

New WhatsApp scams - watch out teachers

So many of us rely on messages on a daily basis and the fantastic service WhatsApp helps us with this. Unfortunately, there are always corrupt low life-forms that try to trick, steal and harm people. That is why everyone should be careful and watch out for scams. An interesting article recently appeared about new ways these bad people use to exploit WhatsApp.

Friday, 15 April 2016

Yuri Gagarin continues ...

Following on the entry of 12 April, here are more interesting news about Yuri Gagarin.

More nice reading material about space pioneers such as Neil Armstrong, Sally Ride and Laika the dog is available here.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

First man in space

Today is 12 April and on 12 April 1961 history was made when Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space.

Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin was born on 9 March 1934 and was selected from a large pool of candidates to become the first man in space. You can read more about this talented man here and here.

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Update: Grades 11 and 10 Examination Guidelines

This post originally appeared on 1 April and since then the grade 10 documents were made available. Please deal with it as described below for grade 11. 

Yesterday, 31 March, I have published a post about an update of the grade 11 Examination Guideline. No information accompanied the email to which the Examination Guideline was attached to, but today I have learned that the document, which is now a national document, is actually available for comments.

In view of this, please help us with the following:

As the NDBE has invited comments, please scrutinise the document and email your comments to your subject adviser by 9 April 2016. This is your opportunity to make an input that may affect the requirements for national papers, etc. Comment on the following aspects for example.
  • Is there anything you need more clarity on?
  • What should be removed?
  • Are there aspects you want to be included?
  • Are there any errors in the document?
Visit this page (link not available anymore) to download your copy for the comments. The only differences, which are highlighted in yellow, between this document and the Free State version that you have used since last year, affect issues such as punctuation, formatting, etc.; nothing in terms of learning content and expectations. 

The Free State versions of the documents of last year are still available here (link not available anymore).

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Term 2: Day 1

Best wishes to everybody for term two. I trust you will all have a very good term.

First things first:

  • Remember it is time to submit your marks for March as agreed. Email your spreadsheets; we have received many by now, but some are still outstanding.
  • The emails for the submission of the error analysis for grade 12 are in the process of being sent to you. As soon as you receive them, please respond quickly with the error analysis.

Best wishes!!