Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Formal assessment dates for 2018

Final dates for the first term's control tests and practical tasks/experiments were agreed upon at a recent meeting in Bloemfontein. Provincial common papers will DV be available for these dates. Look under "Pages" for the link that will take you to the dates or click here.

Monday, 12 February 2018

PAT for Technical Sciences: Grade 12 for 2018

DBE has released the grade 12 PATs for technical sciences. Please note this PAT is for 2018.

Click here to download the Afrikaans version (Not available anymore).
Click here to download the English version (Not available anymore).

Technical Sciences Grade 12 Examination in June

Please note that this examination will DV take place on the same day as physical sciences grade 12 P1, i.e. 15 June. We want technical sciences teachers to have scripts to take along to the training scheduled for 18 June and further, during which period the memo discussion and moderation will also take place.

All the dates for terms one and two are available for the Free State. Look under "Pages" for the link that will take you to the dates for formal assessment tasks or click here.

Friday, 2 February 2018

Question papers of 2017

All the question papers that were used in the Free State in 2017 are now available. Go to the "Pages" link on this website and click on "Question papers". That will take you to a page with another link from where you can download the question papers and memoranda.

The process to upload some of the 2015 and 2016 papers are still in progress.