Monday, 20 May 2019

Vacancy List 1 of 2019: Promotion Posts

The above-mentioned vacancy list can be downloaded here. Closing date for applications is 18 July 2019.

Sunday, 12 May 2019

Einstein's message to a bellboy in 1922

Although Happiness Day was on the 20th of March, this short video (4,25MB) from with Einstein's message to a bellboy has a profound message for all of us as well.

Coming from the great Einstein, it is worth thinking about what he said. We live in such a broken reality, attached to so many cosmetic influences, that it is no wonder so few people experience real happiness. What are you going to do about it?

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Examination dates for May/June 2019

The final dates for the internal grade 10 to 12 examinations in May/June 2019, and the accompanying broadcast dates for IBP memo discussions are available here. There was a change in the grade 12 examination dates, and the IBP dates have changed as well. Check that you have the correct ones.

Technical science will be written on the same date as physical science in grades 10 and 11; in the case of grade 12 on the same date as physical science paper two.