Thursday 22 September 2016

Gr 12 Sept Physical Science Examination P1: Comments

To avoid confusion, the majority of comments were removed, as the questions were addressed during the memo discussion. 

In summary, just the following to emphasize certain answers:

Q1.9: Answer is A (there is no internal resistance drawn in the circuit).

Q3.5: The time axis must move upwards in option 1 so that position is zero at t = 0. In option 2 the time axis must move downwards so that position is zero at t = 0. In both tables for marking criteria, the last row must change to: "Top of cliff not ...".


  1. Q10.2: The full stop and commas should not be in the table. If they are present, there is no answer.

    1. Correct. Errata. I think we are going to give full marks to learner without identifying the type of light - if answer is correct. Louw Prinsloo

    2. Thank you :-) ZV
