Wednesday 18 November 2015

Comments on November Grade 10 (P1)

Any comments on the above-mentioned paper or clarity on the memorandum?

The memo for this paper is available here.

Memo corrections and additions
See comments below.


  1. CORRECTION - Q9.3.3:
    Answer should be "D to C" because D is the north pole of the magnet.

    MOTIVATION: If the north pole of the compass points away from D, the south pole of the compass is attracted by the north pole of the magnet; hence, D must be a north pole.

  2. Q5.3: I got an enquiry about the following solution (I cannot type exponents here) and I suggest the following mark allocation:

    mech energy (A) = mech energy (D
    = U (D) + K (D)
    = mgh + 1/2mv2
    250 = (5)(9,8)(7) + 1/2(5)v2 (Mark here)
    -93 = v2

    Because v is undefined, (Two marks for statement)
    it impossible for the ball to reach D. (Mark)
